Hi we are, 
huckleberry teens
And we can help you!
Whether it's website design, chatbot creation, or social media marketing, you will be sure to get the best quality when working with Huckleberry Teens! Click the button below to get in touch with me now!
we are, 
huckleberry teens
We Create Winning Facebook Ad Campaigns For PT & DC Practices...
for a neighborly price... that's oftentimes 60% less than the competition.
Hi I'm         
Jeremy Jackson
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 Consectetur id vel elit. Etiam eleifend urna ac mauris sollicitudin, eget porta enim fringilla. Morbi ultricies orci a bibendum varius. Nulla facilisi. Aenean sagittis pharetra augue, quis viverra leo fermentum consectetur. Pellentesque viverra dui vitae nisl blandit eleifend. Nam laoreet semper felis at luctus. Quisque eget commodo magna.

 Maecenas consequat quis magna pellentesque tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque lacus sapien, suscipit a malesuada et, laoreet et eros. Mauris malesuada aliquet odio, in vulputate magna commodo sed. Phasellus non pretium elit. 
Why We Are Your Best Choice
Why Choose Teens?
Do you remember when you could get a neighborhood teen to mow your lawn?  

It was a feel good moment for both of you. 

The teen was learning a valuable lesson of hard work, you were getting a chore done you didn't have time to do at a great price. 

They got to have their first bit of freedom to spend money on whatever they wanted.  

Maybe that teen was you!

That's what we do here at Huckleberry Teens, except the chore we get done isn't making your lawn look nice, it's making your practice have more new patients.

We are a company owned by a computer geeky teen.  

I designed my Dad's business' website: totalmotionrelease.com  when I was 12 years old and am an expert at building funnels on Clickfunnels.com.  Currently I am one of their youngest support helpers.

I became Trained & Certified In Digital Marketing through Jason Hornung when I was 14 years old. As a 17 year old Junior I am making more money than many teachers.

My clients include the likes of a 10 million dollar practice in NYC, a 2 million dollar practice in Virginia, a former owner of a 5 million dollar business development company, a chiropractor for Olympic Runners and of course my Dad's successful seminar company.

Thomas Dalonzo-Baker Jr.

Because I don't have a mortgage, car loans or any kids to raise you get an amazingly skilled expert at a neighborly price - I'm often  60% less than what other's charge.

Even though I am young I have created a 6 Step Reproducible Strategy for creating Winning Facebook Ads that is not offered by anyone else.  If you set up a meeting with me I think you will be blown away by it's simplicity yet results oriented framework.

I look forward to meeting you... 
Our Solutions For You
See why everyone love us so much
Training that evolves over time
High class while the money lasts
Do It Yourself
One time fee
  • For practice owners who know a little about website design, feel comfortable using a template to guide them and have the time to get it completed.
  • You will get a great website template design where you only have to put in your info and then its ready to launch!
  • BONUS: there is free training you will get access to, to show you how to edit your info if you ever want to in the future. Gives you control over your website so you aren't held hostage by website designers charging you more! 
Done For you
One time fee
  • For practice owners who have a website, yet it doesn't look nice or isn't helping draw patients into your clinic.  If you don't have time to redo the website this package is for you.
  • You will get a Huckleberry Teen to take the information off your old site and revamp it, enhance it and add what is needed. 
  • BONUS: there is free training you will get access to, to show you how to edit your info if you ever want to in the future. Gives you control over your website so you aren't held hostage by website designers charging you more! 
Premium Done For You
One time fee
  • For practice owners who like the best that is offered.  You will get a great website, a chat bot to answer patient questions set up on the website too.
  • You will get a Huckleberry Teen to personally come and change all the information for you PLUS any other changes you would like to see 
  • BONUS: there is free training you will get access to, to show you how to edit your info if you ever want to in the future. Gives you control over your website so you aren't held hostage by website designers charging you more! 
Winning Facebook Ad Campaign
Done For you
Monthly Fee!
  • Our Competitors Charge Upwards Of 
    $2500 Per Month Just For Their Monthly Spend (this does not include Ad Spend).

    With Us Your Entire Monthly Expense Including Ad Spend Will Be Approximately $2500 per month
  • We Have A 6 Step Strategy (not offered by anyone else)To Produce You A Winning Ad Campaign  
  • If You Are Not Able to Spend $2500 A Month To Grow Your Practice At This Time Then Keep Us In Mind When This Is Doable.
Solutions You Can Trust
High Integrity
We take pride in making sure each and every campaign we do is a winner.
Strategies that Convert
We use a 7 Phase Strategy For Creating Winning Facebook Ads Not Offered Elsewhere.
Customer Service
Super speedy customer service so you never get frustrated.
Personal Satisfaction
A good feeling you are helping the next generation gain the value of a job well done! 
High Integrity
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SEO Ranking
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Ecomm Expert
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Join Our FREE Group To Learn New Tips And Tricks To Upgrade Your Social Media & Online Presence!
Social proof is everything

"Thomas was able to use his knowledge of digital marketing to transform our static website into one that makes new patients click on it! ."

Julietta Wenzel

"Honestly the fastest I have ever seen someone create a website to this quality. Thomas had the website done in under a week. The last time we had a website it took 3+ months to complete, and we couldn't even make changes easily."


"What a dynamite kid.  Unbelievable the experience he has at his age on building websites.  Not only did he know how to build a strategy to get new patients, his design work was also beautiful."

Dr. Steve Saleeby

"Obviously I am a little biased because this is my son. But check out our seminar website and I think you will agree there isn't much Thomas can't do.  Always impresses the hell out of me how quickly he gets this stuff done."

Tom Dalonzo-Baker, Sr.
Put in your info below, and I will shoot you a text to set up a chat!
High Integrity
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SEO Ranking
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Ecomm Expert
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